
I spent a week reading "Buku Memasak Untuk Orang Bodoh", practically to improve my knowledge of cooking. But you can't improve your cooking skill unless you go to the kitchen and doing some 'dirty job'. That book can only improve my reading skill, in English.

Two days ago, Nino and I tried a recipe: Chicken Wings with Oyster Sauce. It's a simple recipe (that's why we dared to try). We, however, still had an argument on one of the spice. We didn't know what 'spring onion' was. First, I tought it was bawang bombay. Nino thought it was bawang merah. But in the recipe picture, it looks like prey/daun bawang. I looked it up in my "Buku Bodoh", but it didn't help. Desperately, Nino said, "Oh, for someone didn't know what spring onion was, he did'nt have a hope in cooking." Finally, we put bawang merah and prey to our chicken. And it was not bad.

Yesterday, I tried to make spring rolls, snacks for breakfasting. I put vermicelli, tofu, shreded chicken, and prey. I spiced it up w/ salt, garlic, ginger, soy sauce and oyster sauce. To my surprise, Nino liked it. Whoa! I had a new hope. Hehehe...


ps: I went to the supermarket and paid attention on the veggie tags. Spring onion = prey/loncang. Problem solved.


rahayu forbento said…
seandainya bisa ikutan "nyicip",mmm...nyamm....
icanx kecil said…
boleh kok, tapi lewat dunia hayal doang, ya kan Mbak /Ibu Ade?
demit edan said…
nice blog..salam buat nino dan si kecil!! beware..kapan2 aku mampir lagi..
ade kumalasari said…
hai pak demit. mampir gih, sekalian ngetes masakan kami. udah lulus belom neh pelajaran Stirfry 1? apa msh harus mengulang sebelum lanjut ke Stirfry 2, hehehe.
Imazahra Chairi said…
Hehehehe, ada2 ajah perdebatannya :-) tapi mesra euy, di dapur bisa berduaan gitu :-)
ade kumalasari said…
eh, jangan salah. di kamar sebelah ada yang manggil-manggil, "Siapa yang mau nemenin aku?" atau kalau nggak, "Mommy, help me, please!"
My annoying-but-I-love-her little princess...

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