"How to make a baby, Mommy?"

"How to make a baby, Mommy?"

Finally, my dear Nindi (4.5 year-old) asked me that question. A question that made me red in face.

She asked me because she desperately wanted to have a little sister/brother.

I knew she would ask this, but I wasn't ready yet. And my abrupt answer was: "Why don't you ask your Daddy, Dear?" Hehehe, menghindar dari tanggung jawab.

But her Daddy wasn't ready either. He said, "Well, that's a hard question, Darling. Let Daddy thinks first. I'll let you know if Daddy gets the answer."

The next day, she asked me the same question. And I kept telling her that Daddy knew the answer. Then she said, "Tapi kan adek bayi itu ada di perutnya Mama. Kenapa kok harus tanya Ayah? Kan kalau mau bikin adek bayi nggak perlu sama Ayah?"


Finally, Nino found a good book about that in his campus book fair. A "Where Did I Come From?" book by Peter Mayle for one buck. It's really a-biology-lesson-book for a kid if I might say. It had  cartoon-ilustrated for all the kids need to know.

Huff, now we know how to explain. We just wait until she asks that question-again.



andry setiawan said…
Imazahra Chairi said…
Luthunaaaaaaaaaaaaa Nindi :-) Nah loh nah lo ^_^
Sya2 aja said…
wah mbak bagus bukunya, di Indo ada gak ya?
ade kumalasari said…
di Indo? waduh, nggak tahu ya... cari aja di QB or Kinokuniya. kalok pesen di amazon $10 je. aku aja kalok segitu ya gak kuat belinya, hehehe. ini pas dapetnya A$ 1 doang.
buku ini emang bagus, tp menurutku kurang sisi spiritualnya. jd harus ditambahkan sendiri. nino dan aku sepakat untuk gak ngasih lihat ke Didi dulu, mungkin juga dia belum ngerti.
Telling what's an orgasm to your 4 year-old daughter sounds ambitious, right? Hehehe...

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