Flying Without Wings

I'll depart to Sydney this afternoon. I intend to stay there for 2 years, accompanying Nino to take his master degree at Sydney University.

I feel excited and worried. Excited to meet my husband soon (desperately missing him), to visit new place (sst, I've never gone abroad before, hiks). But worried, can I do that? Crossing continent, bringing a 4-year-old girl and 3 giant suitcase? 

Doain selamat sampai tujuan yah...

Please notice: This is an official 'pamitan' letter untuk temen2 yg belom kukirimin sms or email. sorry banget, pulsanya limited edition.

Keep in touch yaa!

Jauh di mata, dekat di blog, hehehe...



arif bastari said…
Selamat terbang tanpa sayap, kenapa enggak naik GARUDA aja yang ada sayapnya, itung itung menghemat devisa.
ade kumalasari said…
argh, maksud hati juga begitu, mo pake garuda aja untuk menyelamatkan rupiah terakhir, hehehe. tapi apa daya, tiket garuda abis u minggu ini. cant stand waiting for more days to meet my hubby. kangen berat!!!
Nadiah Alwi said…
titi dije yaaa...

keep posting di MP ya jeng...
good luck! :)
semoga sukses di negeri orang ya, mala. keep writing! :)
Didi Cahya said…
Ya ampun A.K.!!!!!! Belum sempat jelajah kuliner Malang kok udah mencelat ke Aussie seh.... :(
But that's OK, I hope ur next 2 year will become the greatest year in ur life....
Salam u/ Nino
Cubit u/ Didi
Tabok buat kamu yg ndak pamiiiittt!!!!!

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