Honeymoon With My Brother

Genre: Travel
Author:Franz Wisner
Where is the best place to soothe the pain of being dumped by your girlfriend of 10 years a week before the wedding? Franz would say a foamy Pacific shore at California is a wonderful pace to be dumped.

This is a memoir of Franz Wisner, whose his girlfriend canceled the wedding a week before the big day. But Franz, supported by family and friends went ahead for the wedding (party). It was a great wedding, except there was no bride.

Not lucky enough, Franz couldn't cancel his prepaid honeymoon. Then he asked Kurt, his brother to go ahead with the honeymoon, after canceling the flower petals on the bed and swapping champagne for beer.

This honeymoon changed their live, forever. They agreed to quit their job and extend the honeymoon for 4 more years, visiting 60 countries around the world.

This is a good memoir of traveling, but I would rather travel myself than just read the book.


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