Five months and two weeks until Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows released

I don't know when I fall into this madness, becoming a fanatic Harry Potter fan.

I read the first until the fourth books in bahasa Indonesia (bought with my pocket money), read the fifth and the sixth in English.

The hardest book to read was the fifth book, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I couldn't translate my reading into my imagination.

I got the sixth book delivered to my address by someone, say a secret admirer (hadihaha!). Nino suspected this guy, but I didn't think so. Whatever, as long as I can read the book, as soon as possible.

Yesterday, I told Nino that the seventh aka the last book will be released on July 21th, this year. He's not as excited as I was. "We can wait for the discount, or until it become a second hand book, which is way much cheaper."
Siiiiing!!! Speechless...
"You don't have to be the first to read, do you?" he asked.
"I do, Darling. If I don't, why do you think I bring this conversation?" I sighed.

I'll tell you why I must get this book asap. Australia will be the first country where it is released (depends on the time zone). If I can get the book right when it is released (but I don't think he will let me stay in line in front of the bookshop in the middle of the night), I can read it before anybody in Indonesia can. By the time this book is sold in Indo, I'll have finished it (I'm not sure, actually, four hours to read a very thick book? in English?).

I have to be the first to read this this book because I don't want (accidentally) told by somebody the story, I hate spoiler. It destroys the joy of reading. I'd prefer become somebody who tell the spoiler, hahaha... (No, just kidding, I know the Harry Potter fans ethic code).

Beside, this book is not expensive at all. Of course I've already checked it at amazon.

can't hardly wait!


Yunisa - said…
same here. I hope the quality is not decreasing. Honestly, I feel that books 5&6 are disappointing. I buy both bhs Indo n English (read English first baru yg Indo).
ade kumalasari said…
I can enjoy the sixth book, but I HATE the ending. why did Dumbledore die easily? *Oops, is this spoiler?*
Yunisa - said…
No worries, I've read them all =D But again, tergantung JK Rowling mau bunuh siapa. Kan dia yg ngarang. Keputusan pengarang tdk bisa diganggu gugat *you know, I know*

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