Who says a married couple doesn't need a date?

Thursday is a perfect day for a date. It's our payday and-the most important- we can drop Nindi in ChildCare, hehehe.

I booked Nino around one (or two?) month ago to take me sightseeing in city and take pictures at every important spot. It's not that I am a narciss girl or something, I just want to keep it for memories. Okey, admit it, I AM narciss.

We took a bus and stop at Queen Victoria Building. I don't know what building it was, but now, it's a big shopping mall (does it matter what it was, then? hehehe). I need to buy The Body Shop moisture cream (do you really need a reason to go to the mall?). There were many glossy and sparkling stores at QVB. Those luxurious things (and the price tags) scared us. Off we go to the town hall.

Town hall, and so other buildings were decorated with Christmas ornaments. Sydney has so many old british architecture buildings, just like what you saw in Harry Potter movie.

Next stop: Dymocks bookstore. This is a big chain bookstore in Sydney, just like Gramedia in Indonesia. Nino said that he smelled fresh breads when we just entered the store. Uhm, Darling, if your daily food is book, maybe paper smells like bread, hehehe. But yes, the books are glossy and sooooo inviting. I wish I could grab as many books as I want without thinking about the price. And also, I wish that someday, they put a book with my name in the front cover, in the display. Aha, my daydream...

Admiring books for about an hour made us hungry. Well, it was a lunch time. We headed to Hyde Park to have a picnic in front of Archibald fountain. Can you guess what we had for lunch? A big mac and a cheeseburger. Hahaha... I know, I know, but, where else can you find 3 dollar lunch? We can always rely on that yellow archer.

Hyde Park is a really big park, with a fountain and a pool inside it. There were so many people having their lunch, most of them are the white collars that work nearby. After lunch, we walked along McQuarie street, took some more pictures in front of Hyde Park Barracks and Sydney Hospital. We were going to Starbucks at Martin Place.

I've been asked Nino to treat me at Starbucks since we're in Indo. But we never had a perfect time. (Fyi, there is no Starbucks in Malang, hiks). Last August, I gave him a Starbucks Card for his birthday gift. This is a strategy to persuade him to go, hehehe.

Uhm, Starbucks Coffee... I dont know why I really want to go there, I'm not a coffee lover. Actually, I know nothing about coffee. Maybe I just wanna try because this chain has became a global symbol, like a McD, so everyone should give it a try. Well, that's not a very convincing reason for Nino, hehehe.

I bought Cappucino for him and iced coffee latte for me. Actually, we wanted to try Coffee of This Week, but since the coffee of this week turned out to be Sumatran Coffee, I canceled the order. Well, we were not going this far, spending money in other currency, to sip coffee from our own country.

We sit in the corner, facing a busy Martin Place. We talked about Karen Amstrong's book: Muhammad, that Nino's currently reading. Uhm, I really enjoyed this. The cafe's athmosphere was relaxing and the coffee was good. It's just a little trouble w/ Nino's cappucino, he put too many sugar in it. Boy, I forgave you, hehehe.

Just like what I dream of: one fine day.


ps: please see my pictures in ONE FINE DAY album. uhm, if only you have nothing else to do.


etna hannie said…
hai mba, lagi ol yah? :p
hehehhh... iya diriku lagi PMS kali nih *Penyakit Males Sedikit* wekekeke...

btw, ps mu yang ini: please see my pictures in ONE FINE DAY album.
hihihi... aku kalo liat poto2mu bener2 kayak ngeliat sobatku waktu kuliah yang sekarang dia entah di mana *i miz her*

dan satu lagi, nggak cuma a married couple that need a date, a single (like me) too! wekekeke!!!!!
etna hannie said…
hai mba, lagi ol yah? :p
hehehhh... iya diriku lagi PMS kali nih *Penyakit Males Sedikit* wekekeke...

btw, ps mu yang ini: please see my pictures in ONE FINE DAY album.
hihihi... aku kalo liat poto2mu bener2 kayak ngeliat sobatku waktu kuliah yang sekarang dia entah di mana *i miz her*

dan satu lagi, nggak cuma a married couple that need a date, a single (like me) too! wekekeke!!!!!
Huraaaay!!! Akhirnya dirimuh nyobain starbucks juga. Hehehe :) Kayaknya dr sejak di malang kamu dah ngidam ya Mal?? :D
Wakz!! Emang enak, tapi sayang kenapa mahal yah?? :( **mikir2 kalo mo beli kopi seharga 50 rebu**
vita azizah said…
berkat wikimapia, ku dah liat dimana dulwich hill lo....he he

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