A 4-year-old survivor

It must be uneasy for my 4-year-old daughter to adapt in Sydney.

The weather is different, the people is different, the language is different.No friends yet, just w/ me and Nino.

Nindi started her school in a Childcare near Sydney University last week. She looked forward to attending school since she's bored w/ me and nino(perhaps). First day at school, she survived. We dropped her at 10 am and picked her up at 3 pm. Yeah, my girl had that guts. It was Nino that seemed so worried. (FYI, Nino is more a worrier than a warrior, hehehe). Nindi started to make friend w/ a Chinese girl.

Nindi had a lot of stories to share from her frist day at school. She told me: "Mama, tadi itu teachernya bilang 'lemon tea, lemon tea!' Terus murid2nya disuruh duduk. Tapi kok kita dikasih susu, padahal bilangnya lemon tea?"

Well, it was Morning Tea actually, instead of Lemon Tea. But I tried hard not to laugh on her. 

The second day was worse. Nindi said she's crying because it seemed sooo long before Mommy picked her up. She gave up school the next day. We must try very hard to persuade her to go to school again. She said she couldn't speak English yet, although she understood what other people said.

We always encourage her, that she can learn and master the language quickly, that even her parents also have the same anxiety as her.

Now, she started enjoying her school. She told me that she wanted to learn English. She learns the language from movies, games and our daily conversation.

Argh, I know she can survive. She's my girl, anyway!




hihihi lucu mbak
pegang leptob mau kayak mamanya ya jadi penulis?
Imazahra Chairi said…
Nindy is a superb little girl! Wanna see her :-D

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