Around The World in Eighty Days

Genre: Science Fiction & Fantasy
Author:Jules Verne
Remember your grammar lesson in high school? My English teacher used to ask me to complete the sentence: If I were rich, I would...
And I always wrote: If I were rich, I would go around the world in eighty days.
That always made my teacher smiling.

I found this book in Junior Fiction shelf in the library. I don't know why the classify this book as Junior Fiction. Is it? But since I became interested in reading classic (the famous book that we've never read), I picked it up.

I did enjoy reading it, although it's not as rich of action as I saw at Jackie Chan movie. I couldn't help comparing this book with the movie because I saw the movie first. There were too many actions that were definitely not from the book.

Here are some notes from my reading:
1. In the movie, Phileas Fogg was a scientist. In the book, it's not clear what was he doing. He's just a mysterious man.
2. In the movie, he met and help a woman in Paris that followed him around the world. The truth was, I mean in the book, he saved a woman in India whom he married at the end. The book didn't say anything about Paris.
3. In the book, they didn't cross China by land.
4. In the book, they didn't fly across the ocean.

Although I've already knew the surprise of the story, that Phileas Fogg gained one day from crossing the international time border, the ending was still fun to read.


Imazahra Chairi said…
OOT: Aku pingin banget bisa traveling nonstop 80 hari, around the world, tapi keknya gak mungkin deh Mba :-p
Tiga minggu wandering Europe (33 kota 7 negara) kemarin aja aku udah kelelahan banget, hahahaha :-p
dee fathya said…
i like this book very much in deed ^_^

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