A Condolence is Not Enough

It was a crisp and peaceful morning when I made call to Jogja to say Happy Birthday to my lovely sista. I wished her a very happy birthday, and to make her happier, I've already wired a handsome amount of money to her account. I'm a good sister, aren't I?

An hour later, I saw from my friend's YM, there was a (nother) flight accident in Jogja. I opened Detik and Kompas to see the full story. My goodness, that's really a terrible accident. Not only that we we were enough to see so many disasters, but it also happened in Garuda, the best airplane we had.

I offered my deepest condolence to the victims and also to the survivors. I read from early news at Detik that Mr Hamengkubuwono offered his condolence. Later, Mr Howard also offered his condolence for there were several aussies in that plane. This accident has been top stories at aussies newspapers for five consecutive days.

Then I read somewhere that Mr Radjasa also offered his condolence.
Excuse me?
Didn't he realise that he's responsible for all these troubles?



ridwan iwan said…
I agree..... he should be responsible for all the accidents....
unfortunately...we don't know wether he realise or not.....
ade kumalasari said…
rasanya malu dan marah baca berita koran2 sini ttg accident itu. semakin marah krn harusnya ini nggak terjadi, if only the gov care about the transport safety.
Brécs Man said…
if only the gov care about the PEOPLE instead of themselves...
M Aqsha said…
newest gossip: Mr Rajasa soon will be replced by Gen. Sutanto..another 'excuse me' khan....
Yunisa - said…
perlu diruwat semua kali ya, dari SBY sampe semua menteri2nya...

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