
Closer to lebaran, I realize that I miss Lebaran atmosphere in Indonesia so much. This surprises me as I've never felt homesick before. To be honest, I enjoy living here. I can read as many books as I want. I breathe the fresher air. I eat better food, and I learn so many new things, inc. cooking, not only aussie's but also international meals.

However, I really miss the hectic atmosphere of Lebaran, when people rush to get to the hometown, when people do unreasonable lebaran shopping. 

Here, I just can't feel the atmosphere. I didn't know where to go for Eid Pray, until this afternoon. I hear no takbir. Plain.

I did my best to make this lebaran a real lebaran. I did shopping spree for lebaran clothes (ehem, it's an excuse to buy new clothes actually, hehehe, but it worked). I cooked ketupat (not in coconut leaves, but in polyethylene plastics), gulai and cucumber pickles. Nino asked me, "Why bother?"  Well, I just wanted to. I just wanted this to be special, not a plain lebaran.

This afternoon we called nino's parents in Solo, and I almost cried.

God, why am I so melancholy?



moga bisa cheers up yah.. gue udah dua kali lebaran di RIG di tengah laut, dan sekali kejebak hujan salju di Detroit, membetekan sih... tapi end resultnya jadi kerasa banget....

met lebaran ade... wuensche dir Allesgutes
demit edan said…
Selamat hari raya idul fitri. di newcastle cuma ada opor tanpa ketupat. :) duh, jadi pengen silaturahmi ke Dulwich Hill...salam buat Nino
Imazahra Chairi said…
Happy Ied Ade, ayo cheer up lagi *yang mencoba hidupkan suasana lebaran juga dengan sibuk masak2 seharian* :-D
Brécs Man said…
Selamat Lebaran ya Ade... biarpun telat... :p

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