Nindipong's Birthday

My daughter, Nindipong, turned five yesterday. I've just realized that a daughter's birthday means a giving birth's anniversary for the mom. My mind went back to 5 years ago at PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta when I struggled to deliver this baby. Paintful but sweet memory.

We arranged a birthday party at our apartment. We invited Nindi's friends around Marrickville area, which were all Indonesian. Nindi was very excited for her party. It made me worried that she would cry at the day because she's too excited. She did at her fourth birthday party a year ago. She cried aloud when all the attention went to her, when everybody sang a birthday song.

But I was wrong. She was happy and bright. She even performed to entertain the guests. She did some circuss on the sofa. Well done, Darling.

Happy Birthday to you, keep shining, keep becoming our qurrata a'yun.



happy birthday nindi! :)
ibunya dapat hadiah apa ya? hehe.. (tipe yang selalu nuntut dapat hadiah juga saat anaknya ultah <-- nggak usah ditiru deh!)
Yunisa - said…
Selamat Ulang Tahun buat Nindi!
vita azizah said…
nindi tgl 25 ya lahirnya?wah anaknya dini tgl 24 kmrn lahir ni Mal, cowo, cek my blogspot wahyu+uci dah nengok

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