Irritating Question
"Hi, how are you?" That's a standard question when aussie meets each other. When somebody asks you this, you are expected to answer: either Good or Fine (even if you are not in that mood). Sometimes, saying "good, thanks" plus a smile is easy when I'm really in a good mood. But sometime I just say "ehm" to asnwer that robotic question from the tired supermarket cashiers, or ignorant takeaway waiters. They don't expect your answer anyway. In Indonesia, the most common question beside "apa kabar?" is "mau kemana?" (where are you going?). The western found this question very annoying. I read this fact in LonelyPlanet Indonesia book. Ugh, like they don't have those irritating ones. More about irritating questions: Basa-Basi by Niken 8 Pertanyaan Selama Anda Hidup by Hormon Pertanyaan Wajib untuk TwentySomething by Dian Ina A.K. ps: annoying questions in this very moment: 1. have you got the job yet? 2. when will Didi get ...